With our expert staff of 15+ people, we provide not only consultancy but also management services. We create and manage all the digital marketing strategies that your e-commerce site needs together with you and offer a perfect consultancy service.

How does it work?

If you are wondering how 360° e-commerce processes work, choose where you are for your own project and proceed!

We will start an assessment process with you for the project you are considering and the e-commerce model you want to make. In this assessment process, we discuss the pros, cons, places where it can be improved and all the cases that may result in complications. Additionally, among the E-commerce systems we inform you about the most suitable e-commerce infrastructure and the systematic features of recommended infrastructure.
The project is now ready! After the assessment phase, we perform S.W.O.T. analysis in order to see the project in a practical perspective and to determine the risks and advantages correctly. With this analysis, we address all problems that may occur in the future. We discuss the details that can be changed from weakness into strengths or turn overlooked risks into opportunities during the project phase, and we share our conclusions with you.
We're ready to plan! At the start-up stage, we make a plan from A to Z. We share with you step by step all the plans made from e-commerce infrastructures to the management of social media accounts; from customized responsive structures to the creation of advertising accounts. In order to accelerate this process, it is very essential to be in touch with channels such as WhatsApp, e-mail, phone and meetings.
As the base of the site is laid with e-commerce infrastructure installations, product data entries, category tree and pricing, in the mean time social media accounts are created. Considering user experiences, the site front end is configured by choosing an ideal design for the project. We complete the pos devices, shipping and delivery details in the background. During the process, it is very important to get the necessary information quickly.
We're almost ready!
We're excited! Now our business model is ready for advertising works. It's time to buckle up and introduce ourselves to our target audience! While the improvement and development works in the background continue steam ahead, we will be setting up the necessary actions for your brand’s promotion. At this point, we can start the Step-Up steps!
If you have come with us until this step, the essential analyzes for the actions have already been made and planned. However, if you are starting this step working with us, we can say that the analysis to be made is the infrastructure of the next step, "planning". At this step, a full capacity analysis. is made for how much your existing website has been developed so far, its deficiencies and critical edits. These analyzes are collected through the examination of each unit within our structure and become ready for planning.
This process can be divided into two as “what needs to be done immediately” and “needs to be included in the plan” in terms of issues by the all unit managers after the analysis. While the solution process for critical arrangements is kept as short as possible, the issues included in the plan are included in the business plans by spreading over a certain period of time. You can be involved in this planning process via organized online or physical meetings.
At this step, while proceeding according to the plans that are made, technical developments and marketing studies are also included in the process. In the Marketing step, where the needs of the target audience remain at the forefront, studies are carried out on campaigns, re-marketing setups, SMS and e-Mail marketing. On the Social Media side, there are key fictions such as "gathering a loyal audience". Meantime, our development team, which continues its R&D studies on the needs of the brand, continues the infrastructure works for the introduction of the brand-up processes that enable the growth of the brand.
Geri Bildirim
Monthly reports are provided to you to determine the returns of the actions taken on behalf of the brand in terms of the target audience. Issues such as the usability of a structure developed on the site, the return of a campaign, the effect of the goals achieved on the marketing processes and the follow-up of organic growth are evaluated. The matter of "Where did we come from?" is usually negotiated in this step. The feedback of each action taken is a guide for the next step.
In Age Digital, the step-up process is generally considered as a process in which the investments made by the brands in every aspect are actualized. We report and present this process, in which growth increases visibly, in 3-6-9 and 12-month periods of time in regard to the point where the brand wants to go.
After this period of growth in scale, we can easily move on to the Brand-up process, where “ROAS ve ROI” targets are discussed, additional marketing channels are initiated , and actions to be taken on brand recognition increase.
When moving to the brand-up process, it is very important that some development processes are completed and a further point in sales and strategy is reached. ur goal here is not to sell, but to increase the existing sales volume in a healthy and balanced way. The evaluation step in the Brand-up process of the brands that have developed their start-up and step-up processes with Age Digital is already ready and the "planning" step can be started easily. However, if we have met the company at this period, the past processes should be examined transparently.
At this stage, our unit managers come together and make plans to retain the loyal audience of the company and to reach wider masses. New period targets are determined by unit managers and progress is started according to this direction. In this step, the budget management on the Marketing side may need to be restructured. For this reason, it will be necessary to make the plans bilaterally by evaluating the operational adequacy of the brand in the background.
The processes in the implementation step may vary according to the reasons for the plans made. In the PR channel, Influencer Marketing setups are worked on according to the needs of the industry. In the meantime, additional improvements can be made in the background for customer relations and customer satisfaction. While the existing system is strengthened with 3rd party analyzes and marketing tools, plans that will play a role in the actualization of ROAS targets are implemented periodically.
Feedback in this process can contain much more data than in the step-up process. It is very important here that most of the targeted buyers for brand recognition have turned into loyal customers. We start planning the next step by considering customer reactions such as comments, complaints, suggestions, questions asked. As consulting for social responsibility or sustainability projects regarding the needs of the sector, we can also develop marketing strategies within the scope of “Social Proof” as to the feedbacks.
In Age Digital development journey never ends! That is why there is no end in Brand-up process. You can visit our references page to examine the brands that we start from the beginning and grow the business together; meet on the road and walk together to the same goal.
As Age Digital, we reach the goal of "Success" step by step in the light of plans for needs. When we achieve success, we don't accept it as a mere stop. We always believe in "more success" and we work nonstop for it…

What Does It Cover?

360° E-Commerce Service covers all the necessary services for a successful e-commerce setup with +15 teammates in 7 positions.

“With the "good analysis leads to the right result” philosophy, we produce a detailed analysis report for each unit involved in the operation. We track, manage, report and deliver processes flawlessly.
Professional Analysis
Analysis that developed with more than 10 years of experience and professional observations.
Process Planning
A successful process planning to take the ideal action.
Reporting that enables healthy tracking of conversions.

Why 360°?

If you are wondering how 360° e-commerce processes work, choose where you are for your own project and proceed!

Widely Used Campaign Management

In this campaign management model, your company have to get in touch with more than one agency / person. Therefore, both the process gets slower and dynamics are not consistent with each other as this management is conducted from different locations.
X Company
Marketing Agency
Software Agency
Creative Agency
1 - Planning the campaign setup2 - Gaining approval
3 - Exercising the campaign setup4- Gaining approval
5 - Exercising the campaign images6 - Gaining approval7 - Delivering to the Software and Marketing team

Age Dijital Campaign Management

In this model, everything is conducted under single roof! All the setups are planned simultaneously and activated on all the channels simultaneously. All the dynamics occur at the same time without loss of time.
X Company
Age Digital Agency
1 - Campaign setups are planned with the software and marketing team at the same time.2 - The Creative team prepares and uploads the images.

360° E-Export?

Nowadays, we have been active not only in e-commerce but also in e-export processes. You can grow your company and increase your financial turnover by selling in more than one country with more than one language and exchange options. Become a part of both national and international markets without losing time.

“All the units under 360° E-Commerce are used also for 360° E-Export.”
Detailed mass and data analysis of the market to be used for selling
Creative designs and scaling according to the market
Presenting convenience with the market with multiple language and exchange options
UX/UI supported responsive designs for the market
Campaign and interaction management for the target market
Advertisement management and reporting for the target market


We answered the questions of the clients for Age Dijital, which has been working as e-commerce, cross-border e-commerce processes management and consultant for more than 10 years.
At Age Dijital, the priority is the needs. At the first step, the needs of the brand are determined and pricing is made for these needs. Differently needed services are priced differently, therefore there is no fixed price bar on out site.
Success in e-commerce is obtained by the simultaneous movement of all units.
For example, we can improve ad performance by only doing ad management. However, in the meantime, there will be disconnection problems since other units are not managed by us. Disconnections cause simultaneous editing and communication problems. To prevent it in advance, we adopt the 360° Management style in e-commerce.
Any sector engaged in e-commerce activities can benefit from our 360° Management serviceCompanies in many different sectors such as furniture, household appliance, food, textile, technology, construction market, marketplace, etc. actively receive services within Age Dijital.
Our business is e-commerce only. Age Digital is also developing additional softwares that will contribute to e-commerce processes. However, our 360° Management unit only serves e-commerce websites.
We have many infrastructures suitable for e-commerce dynamics such as AgeSoft, Ticimax, IdeaSoft, Shopify, Ikas, T-Soft and we provide services using all of them.However, business development with open source coded systems (Opencart, Wordpress, etc.) are not among our first choice since they require intensive software work and effort.However, according to brand needs, there are situations where we may provide consultancy services for open source systems.
AgeSoft, developed by a distinguished team that has had the opportunity to use all e-commerce infrastructures for more than 10 years, is one of the most advanced infrastructures used in Turkey and continues its development.